(aka. Mikkal)
“In the final analysis the main thing is that you embody the essential, and if you do not embody that, life is wasted.” …“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens.” C.G. Jung
Are you feeling a deeper call to live more fully, a life infused with purpose and sharing your gifts with the world, but you don’t quite see your way forward yet? Are you lost in the midst of your life? Are you at a cross roads or change of life, and feel deeply you want a fresh vision of the next life-stage?
C. Michael Smith is an internationally recognized Jungian psychologist, medical anthropologist, and shamanic teacher who has developed a foundation for life-mentoring drawing upon his synthesis of these traditions, originating with his book JUNG AND SHAMANISM IN DIALOGUE.
C.G. Jung held that we are called to individuate and become whole. What this means is that we are called to live an inspired and creative life, based upon who we truly are, and what we truly love. With respect to life-purpose he said the main thing was to be related to something bigger than yourself. It is the Self Archetype, which is really the unique Archetype of You, and is known and associated with many names: your Daimon, inspiring Genius, your Guardian Angel . In the worlds shamanic traditions it is known as your Guardian Spirit, your Nagual, Totem, or Spirit Twin. These personifications of this deeper central force of life resides in your heart, and asks that you align with and enter into a deep and ongoing relationship with it, so that you can navigate your life, get in your power, and bring your gifts and love to the world. Whatever you call it, it is a numinous and creative force at the heart of your life. This purposeful force seeks to integrate all facets of your being, which Jung called “wholeness.” Wholeness-making is an ongoing process organized around the Center of your being. Jung sometimes liked to call it the Dream Maker, because speaking to you through your dreams is one way of becoming aware of where you are out of balance, and what direction you may need to look for becoming more whole at any time.
Mikkal, as his friends call him, draws from the best of the disciplines of Jungian psychology and cross-cultural indigenous shamanism. From them he has creatively synthesized a powerful philosophy and system Archetypal Heart Psychology which is the foundation of his work, and which employs the most potent techniques and assessment instruments for clarifying your life calling and potentiality, and has tools such as “Archetypal Diagnosis and Assessment” through a psychoshamanic technique he developed of guided “FourArchetypal Journeys” to get you cooking on all burners, so you can bring your Gifts to the world, realize your vision, or bring your creative idea into the market-place, and share it with the world. Along with this, Mikkal has developed a technology for “Locating the Little Devils,” those self-defeating tendencies and limit patterns that can disempower and keep you from manifesting your dreams. Once identified through Core Questions and Collaborative Insearching,, Mikkal shows you how you can transmute these “little devils” into allies and resources rather than self-defeating forces that troll your best intentions.
Whether you want to clarify your life calling, write a book, get your art work out there, develop a community enhancing project, be a soulful entrepreneur, or just cultivate a deeply satisfying and purposeful life, Mikkal offers deeply engaging private mentoring intensives and private consultations in person at his Crows Nest Retreat, and by telephone. He also offers retreats and workshops in beautiful retreat centers in France, Belgium, South Africa, and in the Peruvian Amazon for
those seeking intensive mentoring experiences, or training and certification in Psychoshamanism: Jung and Shamanism in Synethesis, and other training programs offered worldwide. At its foundations, this work isn’t simply about consulting, healing, or training, but learning to navigate life, in every time and place, by living from the heart, guided by your Higher Self.
Mikkal’s Services include:
Mentoring in Life-Calling in person, or at a distance via Skype
- Clinical Psychology and Jungian Psychotherapy
- Mentoring in Visionary Leadership and Creative Projects.
- Intensive Individual Mentoring Sessions at the Crows Nest Retreat USA. (ranging from one hour to a 5-day personal retreat)
- Retreats and Training & Certification Workshops in Psychoshamanism: Jung and Shamanism in Synthesis: Coaching Training
Archetypal Diagnosis & Assessment
Helps you understand the underlying reasons for the difficulties you are experiencing. Helps you with getting a grasp on what you need to be doing structurally to move towards optimal personal power and functioning. This assessment is important for all consulting services because it gives you a clear and understandable explanation of how your archetypal structures and dynamics are configured in your personality. It gives you a road map to understanding your past and current struggles, and clarifies the direction for your focus and resources needed to actualize your optimal selfhood.
Integrative Process Consulting
Works to correct structural flaws in the client’s deep self-system that have been discerned during the structural diagnosis and assessment process. The goal is to move beyond the specified developmental impasses and archetypal imbalances, and the problems in accessing, channeling, and regulating the foundational archetypal energies which underlie the clients problems, symptoms, relationship difficulties, and professional performance. Techniques and strategies are deployed for moving forward towards optimal self-empowerment and creative expression.
Psychoshamanic Life-Path Mentoring
Deep ongoing inner work does not necessarily focus on problems, but often more on formulating on clarifying the Archetype of You, its Ground-plan and Vision for your life-mission, and/or upon creative projects that are integral to your Self-realization, creative transformation, and leadership. The process begins with a Journey
to the Center, to the axis mundi (center of the world) for it is from there that order and structures arise. It is a region of immense creativity, and the source driving your own archetypal development and unfolding—the force that creates the rose and opens the petals. It is in everyone and everything. Accessing it properly, is key towards moving out of the zone of chaos and self-destructiveness, into the activation and realization of your archetypal potentiality and life-calling. Each of the Four Foundational Archetypes of Optimal Selfhood are grounded this sacred Center.
Personal & Executive Mentoring
These sessions may target personal problems, but many Mentoring clients are already optimizing high levels of competency in their personal, professional, and spiritual life. Some seek to become high performance personalities but know that they have not yet fine-tuned themselves to achieve the level of excellence that their Calling and Gifts warrant. This kind of consulting offers the maximum freedom (schedule-wise) and flexibility for the client while drawing upon Mikkal’s full knowledge and expertise.
For Info on C. Michael Smith’s Crows Nest International Seminars, Retreats and Workshops, Go to my workshop and retreat website: www.crowsnestshamanism.com or to arrange an individual Fire Talk consultation contact Jamila via email at: admin@crowsnestshamanism.com (269) 262-1919